Alfa offices made good as new

12. 6. 2024

Since CPIPG’s acquisition of the Eurocentrum complex, the group has carried out modernisation
work consistently on the Alfa building. “Along with the rearrangement of Eurocentrum Alfa’s office
space, we are also carrying out the comprehensive replacement of the installations, the HVAC
devices and the control systems in the areas leased. The modernisation of the BMS system has
now been completed, while other key technical areas of the building’s useable space are also
being upgraded,” emphasises Maciej Paśnik, an Asset Management Officer at CPIPG.
The measures taken include the replacement of water utility fittings as well as the installation of
new cooling units and humidifiers. From the tenants’ point of view, these are some of the most
important factors in their employees’ satisfaction with the office space they regularly work in. The
improvements being carried out will also result in much improved work comfort through reducing
the noise generated by the refrigeration equipment by fitting it with new acoustic casings. In
addition to that, the quality of the working conditions in Alfa’s offices has been enhanced through
the installation of new humidifiers that ensure the best humidity levels due to the air being
supplied from improved ventilation units. The changes being made are also aimed at providing
greater energy efficiency and, as a result, optimising property maintenance costs – which is of
key importance for tenants in terms of their office maintenance expenses. This also forms an
important aspect of the ESG policy CPIPG has been implementing in the properties it owns. “For
the offices in Eurocentrum Alfa, we are ready to undertake our obligation to meet the approved
standards of carbon dioxide concentration in the air. CO 2 concentration monitoring as an aspect
of BMS can only be found the most modern office buildings,” adds Maciej Paśnik.
The Alfa building in the Eurocentrum complex was built in 2002 and was added to CPIPG’s
portfolio in 2022, since when it has constantly undergone modernisation work. In terms of its
technological systems, it is now on a par with more recently built properties as it features the
latest HVAC and BMS solutions. The glass tower with 21 above-ground floors forms part of the
Eurocentrum business centre, which comprises four buildings and offers a total area of 81,500
sqm. The buildings of the office park are connected by a common commercial passage complete with a range of gastronomical and other services. One of its undeniable advantages is its location
on Al. Jerozolimskie, neighbouring major bus and railway stations and with convenient access to
the airport and the city centre. The building has been awarded a BREEAM environmental
certificate at the ‘Very Good’ level.