CPIPG is a significant player on the retail real estate market with 23 properties located throughout Poland. The retail portfolio includes seven shopping centres, including four under the Vivo! brand in Lublin, Krosno, Piła and Stalowa Wola, Ogrody in Elbląg and Galeria Orkana in Lublin as well as two retail park chains City Market (six centres) and Stop Shop (11 centres). The total area of the shopping centres managed comes to 272,000 sqm gla, while their combined value amounts to over EUR 500 million. All these properties are notable for their excellent business quality, providing tenants with optimal conditions for development and customers with a wide range of shopping, dining and entertainment options.
25 200 sq.m. | Chopina 42
24 200 sq.m. | ul. 14 Lutego 26
41 000 sq.m. | Płk. Stanisława Dąbka 152
7 900 sq.m. | ul. Orkana 6
21 200 sq.m. | ul. Bieszczadzka 29
39 200 sq.m. | Unii Lubelskiej 2